Saturday, July 28, 2007

Ron's Passing

Ron passed away today at 8:35am. He was peaceful and I was by his side.

I will miss him until we are together again!!

Monday, July 2, 2007


Well Ron continues to fight, he is such a strong man. He still can't hear or see, but is able to tell us what he needs or asks questions that we can nod or shake his head yes or no.

He is eating and drinking really well, I think that is really keeping him strong...he has such a fight to live.

I'm still staying at the hospital with him, they brought in a bed for me so I didn't have to sleep on the couch anymore...unless Michaela stays with us then she wants the bed.

Oh and one night in the hospital parking lot last week someone smashed in my van windows and stole my CDs (they were all Christian music so maybe they will do them some good), can you believe that...getting it all fixed up though. My church has offered to replace my CDs...I thought that was so sweet!! To be honest I didn't care about the van or the CDs things can always be replaced, it is amazing how little I cared, I was more concerned about the time it would take away from Ron.

We are all doing as well as we can and spending a lot of time in prayer and just being with Ron. Even while in a hospital bed I still look at him as the same handsome, strong man that I fell in love with and continue to love with all my heart!!